HoldTight™ 102 Flash Rust Inhibitor

HoldTight™ 102 is an additive that prevents flash rusting of wet abrasive and water-blasted iron and steel surfaces and of dry-blasted surfaces in a pressurised wash down. It effectively removes salts, including chlorides, sulphates, phosphates, nitrates, etc. and other contaminants, including oil, grease, and blast residues. HoldTight™ 102 Flash rust inhibitor & salt remover is approved by most major coating suppliers for use with most coatings.
HoldTight™ 102 salt remover/flash rust preventer has set the standard of performance for more than a decade. It kills all salts and stops flash rust in one pass. It leaves no residue.
Request Safety Data Sheets (SDS)- Flash rust prevented for approximately 48 hours, often longer with no rain and temperature above 40°F (4°C).
- Surface salts including chlorides, sulphates, nitrates, and all other salts are generally undetectable after proper use.
- Immediately soluble in water or hydrocarbon solvents such as mineral spirits and xylene
- Non-toxic and non-flammable
- Biodegradable, colourless and odourless
- Phosphate and acid-free
- Evaporates with the water in which it is dissolved. The surface can be primed immediately after evaporation.
- Components FDA approved for food grade service – 21 code of Federal Regulations 178.3400
Premier HoldTight 102
PCL HoldTight 102